Why is it that whenever I look for answers
I find what I was not looking for
I found you when I was not looking
And found what I was longing for
It’s you who knows me best
You taught me of love and life
It’s just that this world confuses me
And you uncomplicate me
I have so many questions
Is it ok if we meet at midnight?
These streets are black with disappointment
Hate burns bright in the corners of these eyes
Blame broadcasts itself from the lips of this mouth
When I am the only one to blame
And this heart can be called loneliness when you are not around
Who knows the corridors of this place better than you?
Who am I to you? That you have picked me up
And set my feet on this path
Why do you wanna know me?
Death stared you in the face and all you could think about was my life
It’s your reflection of life that has showed me what it means to die
If only I would die and trust that you would make me live again
Why am I running after you?
When I just need to stop running to find you
It’s midnight
And I have walked all this way
You’re not here
It’s just not like you to disappoint
Did you have some other appointment?
As long as I’m gone you’ll stay
Waiting as I approached home
Your outlined silhouette illuminated by the light of lanterns
I can’t help but think
Was it I that kept you waiting?
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